Jerry Banfield

How having more is having less.



Have you worked hard in your life to get more? Do you want a more expensive car, a bigger house, or more things to fill your house with? For most of my life I always wanted more money, possessions, and friends. The surprising thing is having more is having less. Having just what I need is perfect, and having more than I need is just as much of a burden as having less than what I need. I have a house full of things, and I feel the weight of things I don't use very acutely. How many times have you resisted the idea of giving or throwing something away? In the past I have resisted giving away things I did not use because it felt like I was getting rid of a part of me. I have worked hard in my life to accumulate everything I own, so it is hard to part ways with things even if I do not have a need for them. Today I gave away a mini fridge for free because the idea of keeping it filled with things was a burden on me. Do not let your possessions own you. Don't be afraid to part ways with things you do not use, becau