Jerry Banfield

Seeing through the illusion that you are separate from the world.



Do you feel separate from the world? I have felt separate from the rest of the world at times in my life, but I am quickly reminded that I am not alone. Separation is an illusion we create in our minds. To separate or divide you must first create boundaries. So, you can think you are separated from the rest of the world, but in reality you are very much a part of it. Our actions have ripple effects on the rest of the world. Every morning I wake up and make these videos for you. I enjoy making these videos because people have told me that they enjoy them. I wouldn't be able to make them without my computer, and I am thankful for all of the people who helped to assemble it! Remember that no matter how lonely or isolated you may feel, you are never alone in this world. Thank you for being here with me and allowing me to share with you! --- Support this podcast: