Cee Bee’s Podcast

Season 3 Episode 49, Uncle Shelby's story of Lafcadio - The Lion Who Shot Bak by Shel Silverstein



This episode is about the book by Shel Silverstein, The lion who shot back. This book was written in 1963 and has 110 pages. It is easy to read, fun and exciting.  Brief of the story. An unnamed young lion is living in the jungle somewhere in Africa. One night, he and the other lions are awakened by the sound of a gunshot. All the lions run away, except for the young lion, who is confused when one of the lions tells him that hunters are coming because he doesn't know what a hunter is. However, he thinks he likes the sound of the word "hunters," so he hides in the tall grass to spy on the hunters as they pass by wearing red caps and carrying funny sticks that make loud noises (obviously guns). The young lion likes their looks, so when a solo hunter comes by, he stands up, says hello, and tries to make friends. This offends the hunter's sense of the proper relationship between lion and hunter, and the hunter says he will shoot the young lion. When the hunter finds that he has not loaded his rifle, the young lio