Life Long Learner

Ep 68. Out Of Class - Getting Wiser, Uncertainty and Needing a reason



The three amigos are back together, Gines from rural Victoria, Matt from Byron Bay, and Ben from Thailand.  Ben shares that his ay got better after leaving his laptop and iPad in a taxi to arriving at the airport a day early for their flight.  The one who you would expect to love the uncertainty, share his desire for uncertainty has slightly changed during his trip. That he does like the creature comforts of a bed and shower and not having to look for a new place each day. Also the fellas chat about the notion that is hard to be present during van life, as their is multiple decisions all the time. Where to go, what to eat, where to park, what to do, etc.  They also explore, do you need a reason to celebrate? As a society, we do not celebrate what win enough.  For more updates and to subscribe head to - Facebook Instagram Youtube