March Of The Pigs

#210 - Marc Summers (@Ibatvmc) and Josh meet up at Nate & Al's



It’s #GinormousFood meets #Unwrapped as Josh sits down with legendary TV host Marc Summers. Neda joins us as we recap a delicious lunch at Beverly Hills’ own Jewish Deli, Nate & Al’s. Josh is already cheating on his Keto diet with Corned Beef Sandwiches. Marc and Josh talk about the best cheesesteaks in their native Philadelphia. We talk about being Jewish in show business, and how the times have changed. Marc talks about his early days in radio and stand-up, and we talk about how sensitive audiences have gotten in the past 40 years. The internet has definitely changed things, and Marc shares great stories of dealing with online trolls. This one bounces all over the place, as we deal with some background noise, but we had a blast anyway. Enjoy!