Founders University

Fluffe: Fairy-floss founder Nathan Hunter on succeeding as a business newbie



Experiencing the sugary fluffiness of fairy floss died at the same point we were able to stay awake past 8.30 p.m. Us big grownups don't indulge in the beautiful nostalgia of fairy floss nearly as much as we could / should. Thankfully for us Peter Pan types, Nathan Hunter has made fairy floss great again with his start-up Fluffë, and anyone who can do that is A-OK in Pedestrian's books. "I started developing made-up logos and brand identities for fake businesses. One of them was a fairy floss business because that's not really a thing I've ever seen and, I don't know, I just sort of thought of what this business would offer - I always get a bit attached to things and I sort of, lose time investing in it. I thought about it, [and] thought about it, and asked for a fairy floss machine for Christmas and tested it out." Nathan's only in his early twenties and has a inspiring nonchalance about getting to where he has. "I was like, this could turn into something - and if it didn't turn into something, I still had a