

Inspired by a third devastating event in a friend's life and my ever-present positive attitude, I sat down and wrote this song in January 2022. CHORUS They come in threes Good things and bad It doesn’t matter if they make you happy Or if the make you sad They come in threes But who’s keeping count Once you get to three go back to one You’re never really out Raindrops bring us rainbows And they can break a drought Too much rain brings misery Bringing inside what was out The rose’s fragrant petals Mask the painful stem The thorns are their protection The yin amongst the yang Kittens purr and cuddle Yet they also scratch and snub Dogs can bark and bite you But more often bring you love Life will throw you lemons And sometimes it’s too tart But sugar comes to save us We can always hit restart CHORUS Accidents and incidents Bring problems to our door Ten minutes on a swing set though And who could ask for more Jails sometimes bare genius Freedom can beckon sloth It’s all in how you frame it On days you’r