Radio Aluna Teatro

78 (English): Merendiando with Claren Grosz



I think I feel a responsibility to complicate the conversation and again bring ... what’s actually happening on the ground. You know, if you don’t work in the oil and gas industry it’s easy to look at it and be like ‘yeah… what are we doing over there, that’s terrible, we should stop that.’ But if you are someone who is working in it, it’s not that simple. We’re not gonna get anywhere if those two components of the world aren’t talking to each other.                  - Claren Grosz In this episode, we chat with Claren Grosz. She is a queer Toronto based theatre and visual artist. Her theatre practice focuses on physical, visually compelling work and holistic, non-hierarchical theatre making processes. Also, she is the artistic director of Pencil Kit Productions. Claren is the creator and performer of “I Love The Smell of Gasoline”, opening  at 2022 RUTAS Festival. In “I Love The Smell of Gasoline”, Claren attempts to reconcile her Alberta oil-industry roots with the current environmental emergency. The projec