Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Don't Overlook the Facts (2 Peter 3:8-9) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



To the Lord, a thousand years is but a day because He experiences time very differently than we do. Peter points out the differences in our experience of time compared to God’s & says, "Remember God’s promise-keeping abilities." God’s promises are not like man’s promises because God is not bound by time the way that human beings are. Therefore, God’s promises cannot be viewed through the lens of human time. Why has God has waited so long for the second coming? Peter’s answer – to showcase God’s patience and mercy. It may seem like we’re having to wait for a really long time, but from God’s perspective, it’s just a nanosecond in eternity. But don’t mistake His patience for indifference – the end will come with fire [v.7], and the destruction of the ungodly is sure. God’s patience and mercy continue to extend to everything & everyone in creation until those whom He is calling respond in faith, at which point Chri