Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Be Diligent and Count (2 Peter 3:14-16) [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



“Since you are looking forward to this” - Peter expects that Christians eagerly anticipate Christ’s immanent return. We won't worry or be disappointed on that day, because God's good and sovereign will will be done. Whether He judges or whether He has mercy, God remains good and sovereign because it is His nature. "Be diligent" doesn't mean "Work really hard for God to love you". Any diligence in the Christian life is motivated and fueled by Christ’s righteousness. Similarly, the only way to truly be found “at peace” on the day of the Lord is to trust and rest now in the already finished atoning work of Christ. Romans 2:3-5 shows that Peter and Paul agree – the kindness and patience of God are meant to lead people to repentance. Christian - as you recognize the kindness and patience of the Lord more and more in your life, you will be more and more motivated to live lives of active holiness while you wait.