Imperfect Brilliance

Rudrani Devi - Choosing Happiness



Rudrani Devi – Choosing Happiness: An Uncommon Way To Find JOY In Your LifeAired Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTWhat if being happy was just a choice? Is that truly possible? Join Betsy McLoughlin and her guest Rudrani Devi and let’s navigate the journey to happiness during Coronavirus and beyond this time.Rudrani Devi is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness, a best selling author and will offer some key tools and tips along with Betsy in this conversation. Rudran’s journey to seek happiness are forever her targets. She survived the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai and believes that the Universe truly has her back. You can find her latest book at and her website is more information on Betsy’s classes in person and online, go to and email radio show topic suggestions, guests or if you would like to host her in your area: accessbetsy@gmail.comVisit the Imperfect Brilliance sh