Imperfect Brilliance

Anthony Mattis - Beyond Room 12



Anthony Mattis – Beyond Room 12Aired Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM ESTDo you feel like you have been fighting your whole life? Proving that you weren’t what was projected at you and with that becoming it? What if you do not have to fight that stigma, ever again? Join Betsy McLoughlin and her guest Dr. Anthony Mattis and discover what is possible to turn this all around.Anthony has been using the tools of Access Consciousness for the past seven years and they have basically changed every area of his life. When he came to Access, his wife of 10 years, had recently passed away and he was raising three small children on his own. He was on my knees looking for answers. When he stumbled upon the tools of Access Consciousness he was so disenfranchised from the lack of success he had garnered from the other modalities, that he was very apprehensive about the tools. But he started using them and got so much change despite his resistance that he couldn’t deny their power.If you would like to find