Own Your Eating

EP 72: Why Willpower Won't Work



We recorded this video for our coaching clients and are now sharing it for FREE with you all. We hope it helps!   You might be surprised to hear us say that willpower doesn't work. We were skeptical at first too! But as we dived deeper into this topic, we came to realize that willpower alone will not create long-lasting change. There has to be something more impactful and meaningful than simply your "will" to do, or not do something.    We provided this webinar for our Lifestyle members (our coaching clients) and had a tremendous response. Many clients were able to identify with the key points we talked about and realize that they hadn't fully committed themselves to their weightloss endeavors. Suddenly clients were willing to make themselves vulnerable and share with others close to them what they were trying to work towards. They were willing to put "skin in the game" for the first time, beyond paying for coaching, and really invest in themselves.    We hope this webinar resonates w