Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Happiness Is A Choice & So Is Success ~ Christine McIver



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Do you believe you have the choice to be happy?  Do you believe you have the choice to be successful?  Every single thing in life requires a choice, even success.  Are you of the mind set that success has to be earned or given?  When you can expand your thoughts and perspective to see that each desire requires a choice and is available to you, you step up to the choices. In this show, ‘Happiness Is A Choice & So Is Success’ Christine McIver, Business Optimization Expert, will invite you to challenge your own thoughts and beliefs so you can expand both your happiness and success. Free Master Class: Do This, Don't Do That *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Optimization Expert, Inspirational Speaker, T