Rocknroll Beer Guy

EP294 - Devin Estep



EP294 is with special guest Devin Estep of Ether Coven, Outed & Remembering Never. Devin is an OG homie so we talk about some crazy times back in the day playing shows together. We also talk about the new Ether Coven album "The Relationship Between the Hammer and the Nail", a new Remembering Never album in the works, mental health, tour and much more! Cheers! Video: Follow him: @southofdevin Follow Ether Coven: @ethercoven Follow Remembering Never: @remnev666 Follow Outed: @outedgrind For all things Ether Coven: PLEASE check out the Patreon page. Support the podcast and earn exclusive content like full audio interviews from Psycho Las Vegas from acts like Andrew WK, Red Fang, CKY and more. Sponsors! Kill Cliff The premier recovery & energy drinks come from Kill Cliff. Their Mango Tango comes with 25 MG of CBD and it's the perfect way to recover from a hard work out or to work on your yoga practice. Check out thei