Stark Reflections On Writing And Publishing

EP 269 - Dreaming a Writer's Reality Straight on Until Morning with Gama Ray Martinez



Mark interviews Gama Ray Martinez about his recent novel GOD OF NEVERLAND, his writing life, and more. Prior to the main segment, Mark shares an extremely brief personal update, and a word about this episode's sponsor. You can learn more about how you can get your work distributed to retailers and library systems around the world at During their conversation Mark and Gama talk about: How Mark and Gama normally only see one another once per year at Superstars Writing Seminars in Colorado in Feb each year Gama always wanting to be a writer, and in school turning in stories instead of descriptive essays The first story that Gama sold, which won 2nd place in a David Farland anthology Taking several of David Farland's workshops Writing a "purple unicorn" story involving a potato based on a parody cover James A. Owen had crafted The background of the "purple unicorn" story Value that can come, both professionally and personally, from attending in person conferences like Superstars Wri