Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Ben Reuter- 'Face to face conversations will stand the test of time.'



Ben Reuter is an exercise physiologist and believes that movement should be a lifestyle choice rather than a bolt on extra.Q1. Ben picked the camper van. The question is "Which brand are you most loyal to?"Ben told us that he is on his 1000th straight day of drinking a double espresso from a niche coffee machine maker.Score 89 points.Ben did know the CCCP football shirt. (Because he had listened to back episodes).Q2. Ben chose the telephone and the question is "What was your most recent lie?" Ben told us about telling his dogs that he would take them to the park. AFTER he finished this next project or task. I asked him about deadlines, projects and tasks in the academic world. Pretty much the same as the real world (his words). Some you can ignore and some really are set in stone.Ben is working on a chapter for a book with a co-author. The deadline is 31st October and so Ben scored 31 points. Total 121Q3. Ben chose the typewriter and the question is "What's some insider knowledge of your industry that you can