Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Heather Vickery - HOW MANY TV channels?



Heather Vickery is a two time FUNKY THINKER. Heather is massively into GRATITUDE, being thankful for things you have.She requests that at the end of every session, clients are required to WRITE DOWN ten things they are grateful for.Q1. Heather had some reservations about which to chose. Eventually, she went for the man on the moon. The question is "What problem are you currently grappling with?"Heather answered that she needed to make some changes to make sure her income was stable as a business owner.We had a discussion about working in corporate and needing time off to look after your kids. Good luck with finding a job that works around school.Heather has her kids 50% of the time. 50 points scored.Heather correctly identified what we would call a football shirt but did not know which country. 1/2 point scored.Total 50 1/2Q2. Heather picked the typewriter. The question is "How many birthday cards did you get last birthday?"Heather replied four and after a detour round what he kids do, she told us a story abo