Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Dana pharant - How to raise your ambition from 60% to 80%



Dana Pharant is a TWO time FUNKY THINKER. As well as being the only Dana Pharant in the world, she is a speaker and coach.Q1. Dana picked the cassette tape and the question is "Tell us about your record and tape collection when you were younger."It is remarkable that in the days of cassette recorders, virtually every teenager around the world was sat rewinding cassettes with pencils and pens.It is a wonder the single use battery ever took off.Because Pink Floyd were the first number one of the 1980's - 80 points scored.Q2. Dana knew that the shirt was a football shirt and probably european. 3/4 point bonus scored.Dana picked the telephone and the question is "Tell us about your most recent lie"Most people on the show don't tell lies - so we may have to change this question. 20 points only scored.Total 100 3/4Q3. Dana picked the London (red) bus and the question is "How ambitious are you really?" It is powerful stuff when a professional speaker indicates that they rate themselves as 6/10 on the ambition scale.