Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Bryan Falchuk - Someone else who would be choosy in a traffic jam...



Bryan Falchuk lives one day at a time. And working out how he can do what he wants to do and achieve his goals while looking after his family is a challenge for all of us.Q1. Bryan picked the VW camper van and the question is "What brand are you most loyal to?"Bryan said Apple or Garmin BUT did indicate that he isn't a total slave. When his Garmin watch broke, he couldn't get on with Apple.I suggested that large corporations being in a space that they just felt they needed to.First Apple computer 1976 so 76 points scored.Q2. Bryan knew the football shirt and so scored a bonus point. Total 77.Bryan chose the phone and the question is "What was your most recent lie?"Bryan recounted shooting a video BEFORE his book was published saying that it was a best seller.This is the world today. Best selling...But what category ? In paddleboard yoga?I recently finished a book by Tyler Hamilton who was one of Lance Armstrong's main wing men.In a memorable passage, he recounts that if you look carefull at all cyclists on th