Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 1 - Ben Reuter vs Kat McLead



The Funky Thinkers playoffs continue with number one seed Ben Reuter versus Kat McLead.The first outing for the big hitting Funksters after the preliminary round.Number one seed Ben Reuter up against number eight seed Kat Mclead. (Apologies Kat - it doesn't say so in the show).In this episode Q1. Crazy Rich Asians (trailer below) no way out (Kevin Costner is a Russian/Soviet spy).Q2. People who work in nursing and medical generally along with garbage/trash collectors. We love you and we would love to get one of you on the show.Contact us.Q3. Kat modelled the hairstyle she had with hair tied on one side. Ben recounted when he had what we could call the flat top.Q4. The n+1 theory of bikes (and surfboards and everything else popped up), plus having a $40 kids blow up bath in your nice expensive new bathroom.Q5. Kat reads the Daily Mail - although it was 2020 resolution to remove the app and stop going down the rabbit hole of celebrity news.Each morning, Ben skims