Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 4 - Episode 5 - Vicki Wusche v Lois Wagner



Where was the worst place you got lost, what would you be doing if you weren't here right now... plus an old favourite...Question 1Vicki chose the 'Amphitheatre'Where was your first romantic kiss?​​Lois chose the 'Kite'What would you be doing if you weren't here right now?Question 2The 'Apples' were Vicki's next choiceWhat three items would you take if stranded on a desert island?Lois liked the 'Horse' pictureWhat would you show to Extra Terrestrials as an accurate picture of the world? Question 3 ​Vicki took picked the 'Crayons' Where was the worst place you got lost?Lois chose the 'Book Reader'Where would you or do you have a tattoo?​Question 4Vicki had wanted the 'Lion Fish' since the game began. What is weird about you?Lois picked the 'Cable Car'Where is the strangest place you have slept?Question 5Vicki chose the 'Yoga Ladies'Which car would be your dream car?​For her last question Lois was manouvered into picking the 'Umbrellas'How many countries in Africa can you name?​​