Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest - Season 5 - Episode 3 - Bobby Hedglin-Taylor v Joshua Shea



Question 1Joshua chose the 'Las Vegas Sign'What is your favourite Take Away/Take Out?Bobby Chose the ' SewingThreads and Tape'How do you cheer someone up?Question 2Joshua picked the 'Village on Stilts'Where do you think you will never go?Bobby decided on the Yellow Flowers'What is the most ridiculous thing you wore?Question 3Joshua chose the 'Sheep'What do you do when nobody is looking?Bobby remembered his time in England and picked 'Tower Bridge'What things do you have a collection of?Question 4Joshua liked the 'Sea Plane'When did you last do a Quiz?Bobby zoomed in on the 'Dog'What was the longest you queued for?Question 5Joshua went for the 'Test Tubes'When did you last get good news?Bobby picked the 'Fish and Chips'How do you keep fit?