Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

FunkQuest Season 5 - GRAND FINAL - Carmel Page v Shawny Hill



It is the final of FunkQuest season 5. One of these funksters is going to be crowned the Grand Champion. But who?Question 1Carmel chose the 'Strawberry Cake'What sauces do you put on a hot dog?Shawny picked the 'Lion'Who makes the first move at getting back in touch?Question 2Carmel liked the 'Trainers'What is your favourite show on TV?Shawny went for the 'Tiger Stripes'What do your friends have in common?Question 3Carmel picked the 'Paints'Where have you been on a boat?Shawny decided on the 'Pyramids'How many books did you read last year?Question 4Carmel wanted the'Grapes'What makes you feel insecure?Shawny picked the 'Oops Girl'What is the worst thing to happen before going on Holiday?Question 5Carmel chose the 'Whole World'When was the last time you wrote a cheque?Shawny went for the 'Mountain Scene'What irritates you most about your neighbours?