Viral Podcasting

Why You Should Attend Podfest #29



Chris Krimitsos is the founder of Podfest. I've been to a number of podcasting conferences and new media shows, but this one is by far the best! Chris puts his heart and soul into producing it. And the end result is amazing. Podcasting is a solitary profession. Most of us slave away in our home studios producing shows and content and forgetting about the world around us. Podfest gives you an opportunity to connect with kindred souls from around the globe. And this year promises to be the best Podfest yet! With nearly 1000 attendees, Chris is doing his best to keep the show's intimate feel. He's arranged a number of activities to insure that you get to meet and greet your fellow podcasters. And the fact that it's set in beautiful Orlando Florida in February gives you a great excuse to escape the cold weather and join in the fun and learning. Sign up now at