Little Things

Ep. 56 Uplift Kids with Drew Hansen



Koseli is lucky enough to share her long-distance Q&A with Drew Hansen from Uplift Kids. After subscribing to Uplift Kids for only 4 months, Koseli is obsessed and asks Drew her burning questions about Uplift Kids and learns so much more than she expected, including the term "spiritual parenting". This episode is for anyone interested in raising children with a greater understanding of world religions, open-mindedness, inner-knowing, and personal spirituality. What is Uplift Kids? "Uplift is a curriculum for families that combines the best of the ancient wisdom traditions (with their attention on the transcendent and ultimate purpose) and modern science (with its focus on rigorously testing falsifiable claims)." It's online, available worldwide. It's $100 for annual membership i.e. access to all the online lessons that include quotes, stories, videos, activities, and lesson prompts around topics ranging from honesty and virtue to family history and inner peace to activism and sexuality and consent. It's d