Earth Ancients

William Donato: An Archaeologist Quest for Atlantis



William Michael Donato is an American archaeologist who holds an MA in anthropology and is a regular contributor to the Ancient American and Atlantis Rising magazines and is an advocate of a Bimini location for Atlantis. He was the founder of The Atlantis Organisation (TAO) whose work is now continued by the Apex Institute, which was established in 2001 to investigate sites in the Bahamas and other places around the world that might provide evidence of ancient advanced civilizations. Donato’s Master’s Thesis was entitled A Re-examination of the Atlantis Theory. Donato was a member of the 2005 team of researchers who claim to have found definitive evidence of two submerged ancient harbours off Bimini.William Michael Donato has been featured on the SciFi Channel’s special called “Quest for Atlantis: Startling New Secrets” and he’s one of a growing number of archaeologists, anthropologists and other scientists who have broken with “mainstream” academia regarding the true nature of megalithic structures in the Ca