Earth Ancients

William Veall: Portraits of the Gods



One of the Worlds' greatest archaeological mysteries, one which has excited man's imagination for countless  centuries, is whether  ancient Sea Peoples from the Old World were actually able, and did, cross the Oceans to make contact and trade with the indigenous populations of the New World. Ample evidence in the way of seeds, fruits, pollen, flaura and fauna - even the occasional human skeleton - and inscriptions suggest some form of contact but there has never been absolute, substantiated proof of a  diffusion between Nations of the Old and New World.The Author's tenacious and relentless belief that a Culture other than the Nasca constructed the 'Nasca Lines' archaeological monument  had an unexpected twist - his discovery of a massive Phoenician inscription actually enscribed within the 'Nasca Lines' itself.Then discovery of a colossal rock sculpture in the form of a 'Sacred Lamb' surrounded by Phoenician inscriptions rapidly moved the research area into the High Altiplano of the Southern Andes Mountains: