



America wants recognition from the world as a free nation but it constantly commits crimes against humanity and has done so for more than 400 years. This is not including the time period spent dismantling the Native people of this country.Its time to really commemorate the African people who have fought for freedom in this illusion of a freedom stricken nation. True freedom for the people who have been held captive in this nation begins with the reperations of sovereignty and independence without restrictions and limitations. The time for justice is here.It starts with our acknowledgment that this country was stolen by manipulation of Christianity( RELIGION)and terrorism. Descendants of the victims of the transatlantic slavery experiment are due the reparations and the recognition of our predecessors being the faces of currency and for our future wealth,independence,pursuit of happiness and development. We have been duped under the spell of AMERIKKKAN FIAT. NATIONS HAVE THEIR OWN CURRENCY WE AS A WHOLE ARE NO