Uva Radio

UvA 2020/21 Student Election Debates: The CSR (Part 1)



VOTE UVA STUDENT ELECTIONS JUNE 8TH - 12TH https://student.uva.nl/en/content/az/student-council-elections/how-and-when-can-i-vote/how-and-when-can-i-vote.html What is the CSR? Central Student what now? Wait... there's student politics at the UvA? Where can I learn more about this? Hold up... UvA Radio is doing daily coverage of every faculty and central council election. Result. In this CSR debate Beth Jamison talks to DVS, Inter, SLAAFS, UvA Sociaal and the Anti-Corona Partij. Voting takes place from 8th to 12th of June. ONLINE.