Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

191: Taking Leaps: Doing Beginnings, Endings, Cycles with Grace & Gumption



Taking leaps. Small ones. Big ones. In between ones. Whether we are leaving a job or changing careers... or moving our home... or starting or ending a marriage or relationship... or choosing to make a change, break a pattern or complete something without knowing exactly what's on the other side... Taking leaps is like an olympic sport most of us didn't get training for. So we figure it out as we go. If we are fortunate, we find guides along the way who have leapt before us. People who can give us some wisdom and practical steps for how to take leaps with grace. People who can support us to tap into our gumption to fuel the courage and clarity we need to leap. I've lept many times into the unknown, followed the unconventional path, made choices for freedom over security, trusting that it would all work out in the end. So far I am still standing, still smiling and while I have some stretch marks from the stress that leaps almost always bring, the rewards in my heart and soul bank far outweigh the stretch marks.