Prison Professors With Michael Santos

5. Decision Makers and Influencers in the Federal Bureau of Prisons



I’m Michael Santos with Prison Professors. Along with my partners, Shon Hopwood and Justin Paperny, we’re glad to provide more information about how to prepare for the prison journey. Earlier episodes have given extensive biographical information on us. Complete your own due diligence. You’ll see why we’re exceptionally well qualified to help anyone who is going into the system.   More importantly, we’re well qualified to help people who want to get out of the prison system successfully. Each of us succeeded after prison because we understood how to make good decisions as we worked our way through the journey. Always remember, the right decision at the wrong time is the wrong decision.   This episode is part of our series that we’re calling how to prepare for prison. In the previous episode, we explained a bit about the process. As Dr. Stephen Covey advised in his best-selling book, it’s always best to seek to understand before we seek to be understood.   In this segment of the Prison Professors podcast, we’r