Prison Professors With Michael Santos

7. Surrendering to Federal Prison



We’re now into episode four of Prison Professors’ five-part series on How to Master Prison. Those who aren’t going into the prison system may find more interest in our interviews. Our team works with people from all types of backgrounds. Some face charges or served time for white-collar crimes. Others served time for drug offenses, or even violent crimes. Our interviews with those people show that regardless of what bad decisions a person has made in the past, it’s never too early and it’s never too late to begin sowing seeds for a better life.   In this series, we’re offering content that will help people before they go into the criminal justice system. We know there’s a lot of fear and anxiety about prison. Our team knows how to overcome it. And it’s a bit thing to overcome the fear of prison, especially for those who don’t know anything about it.   Howard Phillips Lovecraft, an American fiction writer, wrote a line that brought is often quoted:   “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,” he wr