Prison Professors With Michael Santos

23. Multiple Prison Terms to Hollywood Producer



Multiple Terms in Prison Leads to Career in Hollywood Eric Jensen began committing crimes when he was still a child. At 18, authorities arrested him for a robbery. He joined a group of friends to rob a convenience store. Eric went into the New York State Prison System for more than three years. While inside, he continued to live a street life. Eric didn’t think that he would return to prison. Yet decisions in prison led to more problems after his release. He struggled to break free from his criminal past. As a result, Eric had many more challenges with the law. He violated parole and also went to prison for new criminal behavior. During his third time back in prison, Eric chose to invest in himself. He began studying. He learned from reading and writing. Those skills put him on a path for a better life. After his release from the fourth prison term, Eric was doing well. He worked as a barber and he worked in construction. Then a prison escape led to national media coverage. He reached out to a reporter becaus