Prison Professors With Michael Santos

37. Titans of CNC Founder Shares Strategy for Success After Prison



Titan Gilroy is a star. He has always been a star and we’re proud to profile his amazing story of overcoming adversity. He grew up in poverty. After being bullied by others, Titan learned to fight. He became a champion in Golden Gloves and he was on his way to becoming a professional. Then tragedy struck. A bar fight led to a tragic ending for his opponent and a prison term for Titan. After serving his 16-year prison term, Titan resumed his path to professional fighting. But a scare from law enforcement led him to leave boxing behind. He started a new chapter in his life. Titan is an amazing story of overcoming struggle. He took a minimum-wage job. That minimum-wage job ended with 40 hours. But Titan applied himself with a 100% commitment. He studied hard. He worked overtime. He became the best in the world at his craft. In time, others believed in him. They invested in him. He built his own machine shop that employed dozens of people. Titan reveals his passion for giving back to society. He created a program