Prison Professors With Michael Santos

98. What Should I Know About the Disciplinary Code?



Reading from Prepare: What Defendants Should Know About Court, Sentencing, and Prison Get free download at or send an email to   It would be best to avoid problems while in prison. But as described throughout this book, that isn’t always easy. Depending upon security levels, complexities surface. People in prison must interact with hundreds, or thousands of people. Some of those people have mental health issues. Some of those people have an agenda that differs from a person that wants to focus on getting out of prison at the soonest possible time, with the least amount of trouble. It’s reason we believe that every person going into the system should learn as much as possible. To get the outcome they want, they must always use critical-thinking skills, understanding ramifications that may come with every decision. The BOP considers all employees correctional officers first. Any staff member, including secretaries, cooks, chaplains, and landscapers have the authori