Prison Professors With Michael Santos

154. What Business Leaders Need to Know about Corporate Fraud



Hello to you. My name is Michael Santos and on behalf of everyone on our team, I welcome you. Our websites include Prison Professors dot com and Compliance Mitigation dot com. We offer services to help people and businesses with risk mitigation and avoiding government investigations. For those who have been targeted for prosecution, we create mitigation strategies. We help with sentencing and preparations for the journey ahead. Visit us at either or Call or text 949-205-6056. To understand corporate fraud, we should begin with a basic review of how our nation’s founders structured our government. Most all people that attended school in America remember that we have three separate branches of government: • Legislative Branch: Includes the Senate and the House of Representatives. In these two houses of Congress, legislators pass laws that people in our country must follow. The Congress also controls the country’s budget. • Executive Branch: Our president leads th