Prison Professors With Michael Santos

155: Risk Exposure that Accompanies Corporate Fraud



When it comes to limiting exposure from corporate fraud, we can learn from two philosophers, Socrates and Sun Tzu   Socrates gave us the wise saying, “Know thyself” Sun Tzu followed with the equally wise saying, “Know thy enemy”   With Socrates, we’re taught the importance of introspection. When we reflect on the connection between our past decisions and our where we are today, we see relationships. The decisions we made as children opened opportunities for us. Similarly, decisions we made in early adulthood influenced the careers that we built. As we look, we can see the road ahead. Theoretically, that exercise in introspection and contemplation should influence how we think and how we act. Just as the decisions we made yesterday influence where we are today, the decisions that we’re making today will influence what we become in the months, years, and decades ahead.   Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War taught that in addition to knowing ourself, we also must know our enemy. The more we know about how our en