Prison Professors With Michael Santos

157. Early Signs of a Government Investigation



Visit us at   What are some of the early signs that a government agency has launched an investigation? Subtle clues may surface. For example, a trusted friend or colleague may start asking questions, or sending emails that detail criminal acts. Those inquiries may be fishing expeditions, or an effort to get incriminating evidence, like an admission of complicity in wrongdoing. It’s important to understand that, in many cases, informants provide ammunition that investigators use to expand government investigations.   Investigators want to learn as much as possible, and they want to bring as many people as possible into the investigation. By questioning people as:   witnesses, subjects, or targets, investigators gather information and build cases. In most instances, investigators do so below the radar, suggesting that witnesses be discrete if they want to advance possibilities for leniency.   Besides going after witnesses that provide information, investigators may also seek cooperati