Love Via Hashem

E042 - A Modest Return for a Spiritual Service



  Asking for money is OK. Don’t muzzle an ox while it’s treading the grain. The ox is doing a work, let it take in some of that sustenance.  We have the right to ask for money for our services, even if they’re spiritual. You can consume part of the offering, and that’s your right.    There’s tons of tv-evangelists and other folks who just after the money. They make it their biggest thing. Jets, fancy cars, and big houses quickly become their trademark. And, although asking for $ is allowable, these people, while doing a spiritual service,  take it too far. They seek all these rich-type items to show off their wealth and to feel big. Rather than spending it lavishly, it’s far greater to put it back into the mechanism that directly affects the people being served, and reserving some to modestly sustain and improve your life.   Rabbi Mike Stern is the perfect example of this. He used whatever he got from donations to upgrade his work for us, while still modestly sustaining