Love Via Hashem

E046 - Stay in your Lane?



Ying Yang Question -  How can you be Free AND a servant!?  OK ... so we have freedom to do; and yet we are bound?        {Check out 1 Cor. Chap 9} It’s like this. We are free to love others as we have the mitzvah to do so, and we can take certain liberties to love others (e.g. showing love with words, actions, kindness, and good works) . The caveat is that we should don’t compromise ourselves. You’re free to do things, but not to the point that it hurts your relationship with Gd. It’s better to refrain if you think that it will harm the relations between you and HaShem. For example, if you know that you personally couldn’t care less about going to the Western Wall to daven (pray), and you’re feeling totally indifferent to that action, you’re certainly free not to go, but at the same time, you should feel deeply the mitzvah to love others and be in with them. The Aibishter (the most High) really likes it when you make an effort to connect, level with, and love other