Ccr Sermons

How To Grow Spiritually



Life Under the Sun Part 5: How to Really Grow Spiritually By Louie Marsh, 9-4-2022   Malawi pics = last one hand washing.   TO REALLY GROW SPIRITUALLY I MUST DO 5 THINGS   1) Drew near & LISTEN.   “1Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.” (Ecclesiastes 5:1, ESV)   WHY? Because God is   “14For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it.” (Job 33:14, ESV)   “Everything happening, great or small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.” - Malcolm Muggeridge     “19Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:19, ESV)   “Everything difficult indicates something more than our theory of life yet embraces.” - George MacDonald       2) Speak less, LISTEN more!   “2Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be