May The Best Brand Win

Episode 123: Rage Against the Machine Language



As Google will be quick to point out, yes, a machine can more quickly identify shapes, categorize things, and not miss any. Much better than our feeble human brains can do these simple tasks. But here comes the million dollar question — IF marketing organizations had more personalized, custom information about their customers, would it REALLY matter? Would we REALLY be smarter? Or would we still send out more e-mails, cram people into funnels and really use the technology to just do more stuff, more frequently and poorly. Because as I see it, that’s what is happening with machine learning.  Listen to me rage against this machine that will be used to further destroy marketing’s reputation out there.  Oh, and of course, we’ll bake up a fresh batch of Winning and Losing this week as you join me for another fantastical episode of May the Best Brand Win on Entertalk.