Connect With Rodney Cundiff

BROKENHEARTED - pt1 - Brokenhearted



In “Brokenhearted”, Rodney shares that the world is full of heartache. So many of the songs we sing, art we show in a galleries, pictures we show and share with one another, novels that are written, and movies we watch are filled with people who are heartbroken. Both saint and sinner - all of us experience a broken heart. The hurt can be caused by numerous different reasons. Whatever it may be, I want you to begin your healing today, in Jesus name. For David wrote in the Psalms, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirit’s are crushed.” The Lord beckons you to draw close to God, leave your worries and cares with Him, and then He will heal your wounded heart. If you are brokenhearted, begin your journey towards wholeness.