Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee

Drink'n'Draw: Creating Visual Languages for More Effective Training with Kevin Thorn



Communicating clearly is probably the most difficult thing anyone can do in business.  Our job as Instructional Designers is often to make better communication happen under the guise of "we need everyone to be better trained on _______". It doesn't matter what level you are at within your training team or the overall organization.  Everyone from the new intern to the experienced CLO needs to improve their ability to communicate complex ideas and concepts in order to influence others into action.  This is where Visual Language Theory comes into play. Kevin Thorn joins us to explore concepts on how to better communicate ideas and transform those ideas into a visual language. One of the most important aspects of this process (and coincidentally in our ID work) is extracting you and your stakeholders' ideas and converting them into a universal visual language that your target audience will clearly understand.  We'll discuss the entire process using old school "pen & paper" so that it's accessible to everyone