Denise Griffitts - Your Partner In Success!

Stephen M.R. Covey Trust and Inspire



Here’s the premise of Trust & Inspire: while the world has changed, our style of leadership has not. Most leaders and organizations—faced with ever new and disrupting challenges—continue to operate from a base model of “Command & Control;” they’ve just become more advanced and sophisticated at it, what Stephen calls “Enlightened Command & Control.” In contrast to Command & Control, Trust & Inspire is all about unleashing greatness in others. Leading in a way that both inspires and empowers people to become the best version of themselves—tapping into a sense of purpose, meaning, contribution and inclusion. The result is a level of belonging, collaboration, and ultimately innovation that Command & Control is simply not capable of producing. Stephen has spent the last five years working to research, frame, define, and articulate why this kind of leadership is needed today, what is required of this kind of leader, and how this can be achieved. The future of work and leadership is moving f