Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Holiday Loss Survival Tips to Make Your Yule Tide Merry with Heather Stang on Aging GreatFULLy



Heather Stang is a thanatologist, mindfulness speaker, and author of the grief book Mindfulness & Grief: With Guided Meditations To Calm Your Mind & Restore Your Spirit. She is best known for using present moment awareness to relieve suffering, cope with and eventually reengage with life after loss. Her focus on teaching others to use mindfulness-based techniques to reduce stress, cope with grief, and cultivate personal growth is inspired by her own journey of love, loss and posttraumatic growth.Heather discovered yoga and mindfulness while she was the CEO of a web development company and diagnosed with a stress-related illness. These contemplative practices inspired Heather to live a life in service to others, and she became a suicide/crisis hotline call specialist in honor of her uncle who died by suicide when she was a child.She relied on her mindfulness training to maintain a calm and compassionate attitude both on the job and at home after difficult shifts. Additionally, Heather volunteered as a