Startup Life Show With Ande Lyons

How Two Failures Led to a Successful Outcome



At the age of 19, college student Vlad Mkrtumyan launched his first startup, where he learned how to hustle, build relationships, and embrace solving problems. His 2nd startup gave him an even deeper knowledge of how to be a better founder and business owner. Even though both businesses failed, they led Vlad to his current successful business.Today Vlad is a serial entrepreneur, a connector, a community builder and a smarty pants SEO growth hacker. He’s the CEO of Logic Inbound, a digital marketing agency based in Seattle, where they provide high performing search marketing campaigns for clients. Vlad is also the founder of Cofounders Connect, a community he is leading to give back to co-founders seeking mentorship and advice from other co-founding peers. Vlad shares the best startup stories, marketing tips, and inspirational quotes. Vlad loves meeting and connecting with people, and hosts some of the largest events in Seattle. Please reach out to him on LinkedIn and Twitter (see links below).Thank you for tu