Arden First Baptist Church

Shipwrecked, snake bitten, but not forgotten! - Audio



Shipwrecked, snake bitten, but not forgotten! Acts 27:39-28:10 Today’s Question: How should you respond AFTER you’ve experienced a great tragedy in your life? 1. You ship may sink, but you are not sunk (27:39-44). Eventually you will get to the end of the storm that you’re in. 2. God’s goodness often shows up in the most unlikely places (28:1-2). After a great storm, look for a rainbow of God’s goodness and love in your life. 3. Satan often likes to strike after a great breakthrough (28:3). How to avoid the snake bites of life: Put on the full armor of God because the ancient serpent is looking to land a bite on you to slow down or even stop your progress in your calling and your character. 4. People often assume the worst about you when something bad happens to you (28:4). It is so easy to get caught up in social media likes, the size of your following, and how many friends you have. It’s easy to find your identity by the amount of money you