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Intro to the Cool Jobs Edition of Dare to be Deliberate | S02E01



When Angee Linsey was in graduate school, she had a great idea for a book. The working title was "Cool Jobs People THINK They Want." That book never got written, but the idea came back to her recently as she was looking at how to make season 2 of Dare to be Deliberate interesting and insightful to listeners. After a little hiatus during 2022, Angee is back and is talking to communicators doing those jobs in highly coveted industries and organizations. She'll be speaking with people in industries including Wine & Spirits, Aerospace, Travel & Tourism and so much more. In this episode, she kicks off the new season with a little back story and what to expect in the months ahead. Please click the button to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability. Thank you! Visit for show notes and other available downloads. © 2022 Angee Linsey